Pierre Vilar
Pierre Vilar, born in 1965, teaches 20th and 21st French literature and the history of publishing and books at the University of Paris 7 (Denis Diderot). After working on Henri Michaux (Attentions à Michaux, Bruxelles, Devillez, 1995) and on his Ph.D subject Michel Leiris (Michel Leiris: vestiges des images et prestige de la peinture), he edited La règle du jeu for the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade in 2003. Since then he has been following his new passion for Belgium surrealists, for the work of the francophone Egyptian author Georges Henein whose works he edited for Denoël in 2006. He has published articles on numerous, not very well known, 20th French novelists and his research now is concerning the links between poetry, critique and painting since the 1930s.